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Regular travel, irregular circumstances

 I prefer traveling in train over bus and car, for it has washroom in it. I usually travel in train. Traveling in train 🚉 has become a routine for me. Everything is pre-planned. I plan every minute as to how I spend my time. If it's night journey not much planning is needed. Just food, bedsheet and pillow. If it's a day journey, elaborate planning is needed to make the most out of the Journey. If going to new places plan is simple, Lookout the window for beautiful unexplored places, capture pictures, Share photos on social media and talk to co-passengers. While traveling to familiar places it becomes monotonous. Hence, detailed planning is required. Plan is set in motion on the basis of number of hours ⏳ to travel. Binge watching, listening to music, reading a book 📙 or writing the blog. If the Journey is long, say for 2 days all of the above activities can be accommodated. I was traveling from my native to Bangalore. Since the Journey was familiar. I had planned on binge wat...


"Traffic" this word is enough to trigger ruthlessness and headache.
We all have spent hundreds of hours in traffic 🚦. We have seen Traffic jams at signal, bumper to bumper traffic, traffic in busy areas and also traffic during peak hours. 

Traffic is quite common in metropolitan cities. We do all sorts of things to reach on time. We increase our speed, we overtake other vehicles, we  cross through minute gaps and we honk a lot. Even after doing all this, traffic is inevitable. People get so busy in their own world that they ignore to look around in traffic.

I encourage you to look around, who knows, you may discover something interesting and astonishing in traffic, Perhaps a 'Smile'. 

I would like to share something from my personal experience, to demonstrate traffic is not that bad as you think it is.

I was going back home after work tired and frustrated. Got stuck in traffic at a signal. I was looking around and my eyes fell on a kid in a school Omni. He was sitting next to window on another kids lap who as a little elder. The younger kid looked very sad 😔. His eyes were all wet, I saw tear marks running down his cheek. I started wondering what might have happened, why was he crying. I started gazing at that kid, hoping to find out why he was crying. I don't know why, but i wanted to see that kid happy. So I started making weird faces from my bike. That kid saw it but didn't laugh, he was still wearing sad face. There was a cute girl next to him. who caught me doing weird faces and burst Laughing. But still nothing on this kids face. That cute girl told why she was laughing to other kids, very next moment all eyes in Omni were on me. But I didn't mind. I was determined to make this kid happy. Along with me all the other kids in omni joined, trying to make this kid laugh. And finally , I saw that kid smiling.Image result for animated smile That one smile was worth a million. suddenly there was a chill around my body, a layer of relief. All this happened with in a minute , without uttering a single word. Everyday we all get struck in traffic for hours. Imagine the number of smiles 😀 you can earn. A small effort can turn rest of the day into positive one. 

So next time you get struck, don't just stand there cursing and blaming system and government for terrible traffic. Instead, Look around and don't forget to make someone smile.

Feel free to comment and share you stories and experience at traffic. Lets make more and more people smile :) Do Subscibe


  1. Dear chul bul pandey ��
    It's an interesting and useful article gud going all the best

  2. I do this at times, like wave at small kids and ask their name.
    It does make your day interesting and fun. I am happy your sharing your experience with everyone. I can relate well to your story.

    1. Happy to know that I'm not alone in this world. Happy 😊 to know there are many a like me. You gave me strength to write more and spread more smiles. Thanks 🙏

  3. Sometimes i used to do the same....


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