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Regular travel, irregular circumstances

 I prefer traveling in train over bus and car, for it has washroom in it. I usually travel in train. Traveling in train 🚉 has become a routine for me. Everything is pre-planned. I plan every minute as to how I spend my time. If it's night journey not much planning is needed. Just food, bedsheet and pillow. If it's a day journey, elaborate planning is needed to make the most out of the Journey. If going to new places plan is simple, Lookout the window for beautiful unexplored places, capture pictures, Share photos on social media and talk to co-passengers. While traveling to familiar places it becomes monotonous. Hence, detailed planning is required. Plan is set in motion on the basis of number of hours ⏳ to travel. Binge watching, listening to music, reading a book 📙 or writing the blog. If the Journey is long, say for 2 days all of the above activities can be accommodated. I was traveling from my native to Bangalore. Since the Journey was familiar. I had planned on binge wat...


Who doesn't love weekends! Everyone just waits for weekends. For some weekends are the time to have fun and for some, its time to relax. Have you ever thought, what makes weekends so special? Holiday! Free time ! Its WEEKDAYS. Think about it. If there were no weekdays, where you work or study on hectic schedule. Would your weekends be still as enjoyable and as relaxing? May be. But I can assure you, weekdays and weekends go hand in hand. Weekends wouldn't be enjoyable without weekdays and Weekdays would be miserable without weekends. So from next time stop complaining about weekdays and learn to enjoy it.

My weekend had just started, I wanted it to be as relaxing as possible. But unfortunately I had work to do. Working on weekends is such a  Drag! That is when I got a call from friend asking for a reconvene. I was in Dilemma between work and meeting friend. What would you  do in such situation? I decided to meet friend and postpone the work, I'm sure many of you would do the same.

Those of us who live in Metropolitan cities have already experienced how terrible the traffic can be sometimes. Metro is the boon for millions of commuters in these cities. Hence I decide to board  metro, my destination was 45 minutes away. That's relatively long time especially when you are travelling alone.
The metro was crowded, I had to stand for a while, as the metro progressed towards destination more and more seats fall vacant, there by allowing me to grab a seat. While I was sitting comfortably I started to look around. My eyes fell on 2 kids accompanied by their mothers. First kid was a fair little girl in frock, her attire resembled that of princess from fairy tale. she was probably between 6 to 8  years old. She was accompanied by her mother and grandmother. She was very shy, she wouldn't make eye contact with anyone except her mother and Grandmother. Her mother allowed her to play around in metro. This little girl was very happy being in metro, sighting new places from window. She got hold of pole and started playing with it and dancing. Looking at little girl playing, her mother was happy too. After a minute or two, she got bored. She invited her mother to join her while she was playing with the pole. Her mother declined. How should her mother explain, its OK for little girl to dance on train, but not OK for her mother to join her and dance like her. Even if she did brake all the stereotypical thinking barrier and joins her, no doubt all the eyes in the train will be on her.
      The other kid was infant,  you can for sure count the age of this infant in months. This baby I'm talking about was very very cute. This baby wasn't shy like the little girl, The baby instantly made eye contact with people in train and instantly got smile on their face. In no time, this baby lit up everyone's face in that metro compartment. It's smile was contagious. All the people in metro adore this baby, that made the mother very happy. The baby was jolly, happy and innocent. Watching it, was making me happy, so I kept watching it. A couple of stations passed. All of a sudden baby started crying and I couldn't believe its the same baby which was so happy a moment ago. When the baby was happy everyone was happy and they had smile on their face, Now the baby was crying, will it make others cry? I know its so stupid of me to expect others to cry, but it certainly had made everyone sad and worried including me. Now the question arose, why was this kid crying? The mother of the girl said to mother of infant, its time to feed and there was this "Mother to mother talk". Where would she feed? what if her station comes while she feeds? After-all she was in a fast moving metro surrounded by strangers. Will she feed ? Will she not feed? how can she not feed, after-all she is a mother. No mother in the world can see her child crying. But what about strangers? She was an Indian mother, she had her own "Jugaad". She covered the baby with a shawl while she feeds. Soon she had to go out of metro while she was still feeding the baby as she arrived at her destination. Isn't she a wonderful example of strong and caring mother.?

Parents especially mother would devote so much of time in up bringing of children. Can you count the number of sacrifice parents do for children's sake? How many prayers they might have offered for their well-being? How many sleepless night? The amount of Pain they go through ! Weekdays or weekends they care for children 24/7. Its not easy to raise children. But, why would parents go as far as spent considerable amount of their precious time on children and also go through so much of difficulties in bringing them up? Perhaps, it is for these little happy moments which I had mentioned earlier.

As for me, my 45 minute journey in metro was complete. I reached my destination. I joined my friend and had an amazing weekend. 

At the end of the article if there was smile ðŸ˜€ on your face. Do subscribe! So that I can often make that pretty smile ðŸ˜€ of yours appear. 


  1. I sense u are someone who enjoys every minute even in this Hussle buzzle life... Good goin.....

  2. Thank you so much. Getting complement from a blogger like is means a lot


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