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Regular travel, irregular circumstances

 I prefer traveling in train over bus and car, for it has washroom in it. I usually travel in train. Traveling in train 🚉 has become a routine for me. Everything is pre-planned. I plan every minute as to how I spend my time. If it's night journey not much planning is needed. Just food, bedsheet and pillow. If it's a day journey, elaborate planning is needed to make the most out of the Journey. If going to new places plan is simple, Lookout the window for beautiful unexplored places, capture pictures, Share photos on social media and talk to co-passengers. While traveling to familiar places it becomes monotonous. Hence, detailed planning is required. Plan is set in motion on the basis of number of hours ⏳ to travel. Binge watching, listening to music, reading a book 📙 or writing the blog. If the Journey is long, say for 2 days all of the above activities can be accommodated. I was traveling from my native to Bangalore. Since the Journey was familiar. I had planned on binge wat...


Peace of mind is very important for every individual. Don’t worry I’m not gonna talk of peace of mind that Sadhu’s and Rishi’s try to achieve by fasting and meditation. I was only talking of maintaining tranquility. How to you make peace with yourself? Frankly speaking, I don’t know of it yet. However, I do know how to keep peace of mind for short period. What’s the secret recipe for peace and tranquility? Here is a little secret! There is no universally accepted recipe. It varies as every person is unique and their interest varies too. What’s best for you? Only you can decide that. Always find time for the things that make you happy 

Here is what most people do:
A. Travel – Seeing places calms you mind. Remember, job will fill your pocket and adventure will fill your soul 
B. Eating Outside – Food is best way to calm your mind. Food tastes better when you eat with ones you love. So spent some time with family. Go out for a picnic.
C. Talk or Listen – All you need to do is blurt out, everything to your bestie and then pay heed to what they have to say.
D. Read a book: Many people do find peace and feel enlightened after reading motivational books. Try it out. Bhagat Singh before hanging, when asked for his last wish. He wished to finish reading book on Russian revolution by Lenin.
E. Make someone Smile – If smile on your face has vanished for a long time. Just look at kids or pets. Try making some one happy, when their face lit with smile. Your peace will find its way back to you from dark. 

I won’t be surprised if you say all these are good Remedies. But, they are time consuming & lavish. For those looking for short cut, here are some quick remedies. However, remember, quick remedies for peace ends up quick as well.
a. Exercise : No need to do heavy lifting, just do quick exercise for 5 minutes. Running and skipping will give equal results too. Sweat it out.
b. Listen to your favorite Song :  This is something I don’t have to explain much. It doesn’t matter if you’re good at it or not. Just sing to yourself. I assure you however you sing you’re still far better than Dinchak Pooja. 
c. Watch a Movie :  For those who can’t make time to read book, watch movie instead
d. Dance : For many dance is also a good way to gain peace.
e. Ice Cream : Grab your favorite bowl of ice cream and lick till you reach the end.
f. Just Go Shopping : I don’t have to tell you much about this. I’m sure you know how it’s done and if you don’t then see how I do it. 

         My peace of mind was disturb at the  stroke of midnight  hour when GST was implemented. There was a sense of anxiety as well as curiosity to see changing prices. I decided to face my distress of GST. Next day I visited a hypermarket. I prefer going to supermarket over small retail outlets. For I get lots of variety to choose from and secondly I get freedom to drop only those things in my basket that I need and not those which shop keeper wants me to. Every time I visit a supermarket, I never miss to visit kids section. I spent good amount of time here. It triggers all the old childhood memories. Then, there is also a moment when I say Holy Crap 😱 so many varieties! Where were all these when we were kids? This generation is truly lucky. We only played with remote control cars. Kids these days fly remote control helicopters instead. While I take a slow walk in kids section, many a times, kid inside me awakes and I end up buying these toys. 

One thing that I hate most about in supermarket is waiting in long Queue for dozens of minute for billing. I was waiting in queue and there were only two people ahead of me. Each of them had more than hundred items in their trolley. That is when I saw the sign of "Quick lanes". There were two lines of quick lane. My brain quickly analyzed the possibility of getting my bill generated faster in lane one than in lane two. Subsequently, a young lady decided to stand in second lane. I looked at her, told myself ‘Foolish girl, this lane was faster’ and I’m sure when she glanced at me, she might have said something similar in her mind too. There was an undeclared race between two of us. Whoever makes it out of store first will be the winner 🏆. While I was standing in line and I was wishing that, I got my billing done before her. Moments later I realized, her lane was moving faster and now I started regretting being in this lane. Then, I turned around and saw a couple of people standing behind me in Line. It momentarily made me happy that I’m at least ahead of these many. My eyes fell on two kids standing behind me. Cute little girl and boy, siblings. Both holding their fathers fingers tightly. Little boy was a year or two younger than her sister was. He loosened hold form his dad’s finger and clutched a Cadbury five star. Chocolates were kept in lower rack by store employees with intention of luring kids and parents into buying it. After getting hold of chocolate, kid leaned upward on toes taking support from trolley, unable to reach the height of trolley kid tossed his chocolate right into the trolley. His dad approved of it. There was a big smile on kids face. Being able to see that smile was priceless. With his first attempt being successful, he made another attempt. This time he clutched a handful of  chocolates and tried tossing it. But, this time his dad resisted it and stopped kid from getting more chocolate. Such sheer innocence, that very moment kid learnt ‘In life you don’t get everything all the time, sometimes you need to compromise’. While all this drama was unleashing, the young lady in next lane had reached counter and her billing was initiated. I had two more people ahead of me. She gave me a grin, indicating she would win the race. However, destiny had planned something else for her. There was a product error! Counter representative took five minutes to get it done. By that time, my billing was over. I smirked at her making my exit. 

Hey! Wait a sec! Story isn’t complete yet.  It’s about GST. I never paid much attention to taxes on bills. However, this time I cautiously examined it. Guess what ! I didn’t lose any money, instead I saved some pennies. GST isn't that bad after all. I love my India ❤️

These are the toys I spoke about, take a look.


  1. Very informative as well as interesting article

  2. Waiting for more articles like this.....

  3. Thanks. Means a lot. Will keep posting as and when I come across something worth writing


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